J-Lo, ya tú sabes, no hay más na’

It is a new generation. J- Lo and Pitbull’s chart popper where they state, “Baby, it’s the truth, it’s the truth I’m like Inception” well, that is the same mantra used by many of the folks protesting the downfall of the elected government of Sri Lanka. They have a lot in common with J Lo and Pitbull, much noise, a lot of “feel good” party atmosphere, and no touch with reality.

In Shakespeare’s Tempest, he writes Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows in the modern era, has been reworded as “Politics makes strange bedfellows” this idiom can be taken at face value. Still, there is a much deeper meaning behind that simple statement. In politics, compromises are made, unholy alliances are sanctioned, cross-dressing and crossovers are approved even by the most ardent right-wing conservatives. The moral of the story is that to engage in politics, one must have experience, wisdom, the art of negotiation, compromise, and sometimes make deals with the devil for the “cause.” The above is what many canny and willy politicians like Mr. Churchill, Mr. Jayawardne, and Mr. Wickermesinghe have been doing for ages. However, not everyone can do this, and it will take years of experience and an iron stomach.

The new generation of protestors is stating that they are progressive and more inclusive, and it is a caravan for all immaterial of ethnicity, religion, caste, creed, past, presence, etc. This thought process made the hard-right elements in the minority parties quiver, especially the LTTE diaspora in the West. For many years they have been brainwashing the Tamil population in those lands that all Sinhalese people are all bad and none of them will embrace all cultures as their brethren. They were very successful because when the GOSL mass celebrations won, the war was conducted by mostly Sinhalese in Canada, the USA, the UK, Australia, etc. However, this time around, it seemed different. The LTTE diaspora was losing members of its base; there was a possibility that Sinhala and Tamil people may unite, and a real chance the “opportunists” would lose their influence, power, money, and of course, the photo opportunities with the various Prime ministers, presidents, military generals, etc.

However, all the fear of the LTTE diaspora vanished into thin air over the weekend of the 14th of May, 2022. Thanks to the “new generation” in Melbourne. When LTTE or maybe Tamil sympathizers (GGS has not been able to verify it independently) handed out leaflets, a brave protestor in a heavy Sri Lankan accent quite belligerently advised the people handing out the flyers, challenging them of the “genocide” and questioning them on why they have not to go to court. Then he proceeds to tear the leaflet and threatens to remove the people handing out the flyers see video below.

LTTE diaspora now must be breathing a sigh of relief. One single Sinhalese man who, from his accent very obvious is, new to Australia, had managed to turn their Tamil followers against the Sinhalese. The prodigal sons and daughters had returned to the tigers’ lair. All the Tamil media were unison in their interpretation of the incident; all Sinhalese are racists since no one Sinhala protestor intervened to stop that young man from berating the peaceful Tamil people handing out leaflets. They were like CNN or FOX on steroids, and the big evil racist Sinhala racist had struck again. In Canada, the media pundits stated that there would have been bloodshed if that incident had taken place in Toronto. The same sentiments were shared in London, Paris, Geneva, and even Sydney. That young man is probably considered a savior in LTTE quarters and will be of great assistance in the next fundraising round.

Politics is far more complicated than Chess and, unlike the game, has deadly results if played outside the rules of engagement. All elected Sri Lankan governments, whether they liked it or not, tried for peace negotiations and tried to compromise with the LTTE, not because they liked it but for the betterment of the nation. Concessions were given, rules were broken, and pride took a back seat to achieving the ultimate goal of peace. Once all these avenues were exhausted, and LTTE tried to take advantage of the Rajapaksa regime, the government retaliated and defeated the LTTE. This lesson cannot be taught; it has to be learned through experience and jumping over many hurdles. It cannot be instilled or tutored to weekend protestors and beach-dwelling middle-class youngsters who call themselves the “New Generation”.

J-Lo, you know, there is no more na’ It’s a new generation.

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